Regarding last week's ezine, I got a great email with an update from Serena. Thanks, Serena!
Hi Lynn,
As always, I enjoyed reading your latest ezine. Your article on customer service and TRS status was really helpful, and I really liked how you handled that last situation. I thought I'd share one more idea regarding customer service. As you know, a lot of times, buyers don't read the description or even look at all the photos. If a buyer purchases something from me that is in less than great condition - say the item has an obvious chip - I will take the extra step and call the buyer up and check with them to make sure that he/she understands what condition the item is in. This accomplishes two things. The buyer is happy that you took the time to contact them and let them know about their item, and it will save you the trouble of having to deal with a less than happy customer, (not to mention the time and energy to pack and ship the item). This is especially crucial around the holidays, when people are buying gifts for their loved ones.
Take care, and continued success to your goal of TRS :0)
I think this is a great idea! And instead of calling them, I have been emailing buyers of defective merchandise prior to shipping to make sure that they have read the description. About 50% of the time, they did NOT read the description and I have cancelled the sale. Great advice Serena!
You know, I really need a vacation (Who doesn't?). But with eBay's changes coming down the pipeline, I think that I need to focus on my eBay business and sell as much as I can before July 6th (the date they start charging final value fees on s/h/i). I found this coffee mug at a local thrift store recently for 50 cents. I can't believe how much it sold for! It is vintage "travel" Pan Am and I may put the profit into a "Lynn's Vacation Fund" Jar!
See the listing here

Update on LOL footage

The crew at LOL 2011
The LOL footage is being edited by Jason and will be finished and shipped out in about three weeks. Mid May is our target. Carmen has taken a peek at it and says the footage is fantastic!
Click here to learn more and place your pre-order. This set is going to rival Boot Camp in a Box and the final price will be going up accordingly.
Check out this email I just got from Nancy Kantor (Nancy is a Live Boot Camp and LOL graduate)!
Subject Line: Finally 1000 Listings!
Hi Lynn,
When I attended Boot Camp in 2009, I'd never had more than 150 items listed at a time. Usually I listed 20-25 items for auction per week. This week I got 99 items listed for auction and a bunch into store. It is really exciting to reach 1000.
Thanks for showing me the way.
Nancy Kantor
Our dates for Live Boot Camp at HQ are now set in stone. Four people have signed up! YAY...You can reserve your seat now. Read more about it in the Special Announcement section. Our info page is coming soon. Watch for it.
I did an interview last week with Kat and Karen from eCom Connections. We talked about a lot of interesting things including hiring employees. Here is a page where you can listen. I was a guest on show #14.
Check out this flatware we just sold out of our store. Flatware is flying off the shelves. I love flatware because it is one of those items that you can easily offer with free shipping!
See the listing here

I have started writing the flatware eBook! I am so excited about it. The initial outline is finished and I have started on the first section. Just like the dinnerware eBook it will be delivered in thirds. Section One will be out at the end of May. You can learn more and place your preorder in the Lynn Recommends Section.
The USPS raised rates on April 17th. It affected first class international and domestic. Media rates also increased. I have redone the rate chart and this download will be the Queen's Court gift for this month.
Please remember an important deadline…May 25th eBay is requiring that if you state that you ship internationally, you will need to quote a price. If you state that you do not ship internationally, you will be fine.
To order the new laminated USPS rate chart with free shipping, click here.
I have a lot of fun and make a profit when I travel to different cities and get to check out thrift stores. So I decided to write this week's article about buying trips. Don't miss "Buying Trips are Fun and Profitable."
Oh I almost forgot. Remember I mentioned that Indy earned an iPhone for all her work at LOL? Well, a loyal ezine reader, Lynn Vinnai, in Canada let me know that her daughter was selling one for her that had gotten some water damage but they had repaired it. You will have to read the description to see how they fixed it!
Who knew?
Thanks Lynn V! It was for sale on eBay and I got to buy it for Indy at a discount. 
Hopefully it will arrive soon. Indy is chomping at the bit (as my grandmother would have said.)
See the listing here

Indy came to HQ with me last night to help take photos (What a doll!). I did manage to list one of the items that I had a hunch may be a SCORE when we got back home. I couldn't believe it but within the first 12 hours it already had two bids. Let's watch this one and I hope it goes sky high!
Oh my goodness, apparently I wasn't very lucid last night when I was listing this. I can't believe I misspelled lucidity. Great! In case you are wondering, I picked this compact up at a garage sale this past Saturday for $3 or $5 (I can't remember).