April 5th, 2012
Volume VIII, Issue 1
This past weekend was wonderful. My mom flew in on Wednesday the 28th, and my brother came out on Friday (the 30th) night to spend the weekend with us. It was a great healing experience for all of us to be together.
On Friday afternoon we got to see Houston play Junior Varsity baseball and pitch a super inning. One pop fly out and two strikeouts. Go Goose!
Here is Houston pitching.

Then the next morning, my mom and I went to garage sales with Indy. It was a blast. I bought this Lladró clown for $60. Let's hope that it sells for a LOT!
See the listing here

At the next garage sale, everything that was 50 cents or cheaper was now FREE and everything else was half price. I had a blast. So did my mom and Indy. Then we went out to drive away and my car wouldn't start. Darn it! Real life has to set in sometimes.
We called AAA and while we waited we went back and found more free stuff! So every cloud has a silver lining
. Luckily, my mechanic was in the office on Saturday and it turned out to be just a battery, so all is well once again.
is one of those free items that Mo just listed on eBay for me.
Thanks Mo!

Then Saturday night, we went to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra's Beethoven's Last Night concert in Indio at Fantasy Springs Casino. Wow, Is all I can say! It was extremely interesting. I was so exhausted from garage saling all day and at hour two of the show, we all decided to leave. But what a great experience! I learned a lot about Beethoven. And Indy is a huge fan so it was fun.
On Sunday, it was the Yacht club brunch for my country club and then we all went to walk the newly opened to the public Annenberg property. Seriously, that is the life I want to live. Philanthropists, art collectors and hanging out with Presidents. Incredible! The movie about Lee and Walter's life was absolutely fascinating. To learn more about the Annenbergs and Sunnylands you can click here.
Here we are leaving the brunch.

Here is Sunnylands' Visitor Center.

And during this super fun weekend, Lee was making audio discs from Live Boot Camp at Headquarters. My brother is amazing. It took him hours to pull that audio from the DVDs of the event. But we knew that in today's fast paced world, there isn't much time to sit and watch DVDs.
But we do know that people have time to listen to CDs in their car, on their phones, or while packing up their eBay items to be shipped. Ergo, a new audio program of 16 audio CDs from our final Live Boot Camp at Headquarters. The sound is awesome and we can't wait to ship these out to our first responders.
If you have ever purchased a Boot Camp in a Box or been an actual attendee, you will be able to purchase these audio CDs at a super low price. Please email Lynn for your special link.
If you have never been a purchaser of a Boot Camp in a Box, you may also experience this once in a lifetime event at headquarters for our low introductory price.
Click here to order now.
Click here to order in two payments.

Here is more information about the audio CD set.
Audio CD 1a and 1b
Welcome, Introductions, Initial Write-Up, Why in the World did you Buy/Inherit That?
Audio CD 2a 2b
100 items—Research, Streamlining & Shipping, A Day at the Office, Live Shipping with Carmen
Audio CD 3
Shipping with Auctane, Time Saving Techniques, Write up Your Items, Workshop
Audio CD 4
Photography, Assembly Line Listing
Audio CD 5
Garage Sale Strategy, Thrift Stores, Dinner and White Elephant Gifts
Audio CD 6
Garage Sales, YouTube Videos, Breakout Sessions, Fulfillment by Amazon
Audio CD 7a and 7b
Organization with Diva Dawn, Breakout Sessions, Auctane and Amazon, What are you going to Sell?
Audio CD 8a and 8b
Non-Selling Strategy, eBay Store
Audio CD 9
Clothing, Workshop, Scores and Testimonials
Audio CD 10
Auction Makeovers, Wrap Up
Final Audio CD
Teleconference with attendees 10/19/11
Happy eBaying!
P.S. Thank goodness for eBay in my life. I sold over $800 worth of dinnerware this past weekend while I was enjoying time with my family. eBay is priceless. And so are these audio discs that can help you ramp up your business. (In the last 72 hours, I have sold over $1300 worth of dinnerware on eBay. It's crazy, but I sold another $500 worth while I was writing this mini ezine. Amazing!)
P.P.S. Remember, this is a no-risk decision. You are protected by Lynn's money back guarantee. Just say YES!
Click here to order now.
Click here to order in two payments.
P.P.P.S. And during this past weekend, Lee helped me make the Queen's court audio gifts for February and March. For all of you amazing Queen's Court members please watch for these in the mail in the next few days. You rock! To learn more about the QC click here.
P.P.P.P.S. To learn more about the Live Boot Camp full set with downloadable handouts, complimentary one-month membership to The Queen's Court, audio CDs and viewable DVDs, please click here.
Final P.S. I decided to attack headquarters with a vengeance and finally sort all of Houston's old trains. Well, when he saw what I was doing he took home boxes full of Lionel track and trains. Of course, he is related to me and Cheryl Leaf so what do I expect? But, he did let me sell his old Thomas stuff. Believe me, this stuff was expensive back in the day, but he played hard with it. I am in shock at how high this one auction has gone. It ends today so who knows if it will go higher or not. In any event, this will pay for my new battery :). See the Thomas auction here