LOL — Lynn on Location…Laugh out Loud and Learn with my associates and I at our first ever LOL event.
This event is still in the planning stages, but I wanted to give you a heads up. I will be doing a very special 2-day event in Las Vegas on March 12th and 13th, 2011 (Saturday and Sunday). The dates are not for certain but they are looking pretty great.
It will be two jam-packed days of teaching, networking and just plain having eBay fun. I have already gotten confirmation from four very special guest speakers. Kathy Flood, jewelry expert, Mel & Steve Woods, clothing experts and Diva Dawn, organizational expert, will be joining us.
I should have more details next week. We are super excited!!! As a side note, we were discussing and brainstorming for this event with Phoenix the bird in the background. When we said, “What about having Kathy Flood speak about Jewelry?” the bird went nuts!!! She knows the word jewelry and apparently will try and take your finger off to get her hands on it. I don’t think we will be bringing Phoenix to Las Vegas.
But, many of the usual suspects will be joining me. Carmen, Jason, Mo, Deborah, my brother Lee, Houston, Indy and hopefully my mom.
We can’t wait to see you all in Vegas!