Hope you had a great Halloween! I heard back from Jim “Griff” Griffith (Dean of eBay Education) about how we can help the California wild fire victims. Please read on to learn more.
- Lynn Recommends: Helping our fellow eBayers in CA
- Special Announcement: La Quinta Full Boot Camp in a Box is almost HERE
- Feature Article: Identifying American Pottery–Guest Article
- The Queen’s Update: Our 35th 100 Best Story from YOU
This ezine is published once a week.
November 1, 2007 Volume III, Issue 42
Dear eBayers,
I hope you had a great Halloween. We certainly did, but I have to admit I am exhausted. We volunteered at the kid’s school on Tuesday night to help out with the “Boo Bash,” and it wore me out. I could never be an elementary school teacher–too much work! My hat goes off to all teachers who work so hard educating our kids! Thank you!
Houston and Indy were very cute this year. Houston as a mummy and Indy as a Pirate Princess. I must enjoy this time in their lives because it won’t last for much longer!
After our Queen’s Court call last Wednesday night and after sending out the ezine, I received tons of great suggestions on how we could help out our fellow eBay Buyers and Sellers in Southern California. You guys are so generous and awesome with your willingness to help! Thank you so much!! One of the ideas that came in was to contact Griff and ask him the best way to go about it. So, please read the “Lynn Recommends” section to find out what he suggested.
I can’t believe it, but I actually took three days off this past weekend. I left on Thursday night for Catalina and spent three days on the island with Peter. We got to do a little scuba diving and I did NOT take my computer. I think that was one of the hardest things I have ever done–leaving that computer on my desk! I am happy to report that nothing bad happened! In fact, I have returned with renewed enthusiasm for my work. I recommend this to all of you. We all deserve a break!
We went to Catalina to get specialty scuba diving cards for underwater photography. I was only able to do one dive, so did not pass my certification. However, Peter got his specialty card and I had a fun time taking pictures underwater. Here is one of a golden fish.
As I was dropping Peter off at LAX, I realized I didn’t have any cash to drive home with–so he gave me a $20 bill. I spent $4 to get out of the parking lot, another $7 on food and diet coke for the drive home, so I still had $9 cash with me when I stopped at my favorite thrift store on Monday morning. I found this coffee mug that looked really interesting. It was only $3. Turned out that a very famous American Potter made it in the 1950s. I paid for it with Peter’s money–Let’s see what it is selling for (but don’t tell him!) and click here to learn a bit about American artist Matthew Adams.
Speaking of American Potters, this week’s feature article comes to us from Linda Richard, eBay ID cajunc. She is one of our ezine readers who offered to let me use this wonderful article about identifying American pottery by clay color, type of base and other markings. Don’t miss reading this article because it is very informative with a ton of photos and I learned a lot. AND, because of Linda offering to help us out this week–it made my vacation even more stress free. So a BIG Thank you to Linda!!!
In the Special Announcement section, I am very excited to announce that the full La Quinta Boot Camp in a Box is almost ready to be shipped. This was one of our most successful boot camps EVER! So don’t miss out on learning more of the details.
By the way, my Pfaltzgraff experiment was a bomb. I only sold one piece from the two sets for a measly $9.99. Oh well, I will list it in my eBay store and it will eventually sell, but I think I am going to stick with my Pflatzgraff rules–only buy bone china and flatware! Thanks anyway Mo!!!
Finally, I have started selling manufacturer’s new items under a new user ID. Check out my auctions at SmashinBeauty. You can get some great deals on brand new cosmetics.
This week we have another great story about the things you all have sold on eBay. This week’s story is about antique underwear.
Here’s to Successful eBaying!
Lynn Dralle, ‘The Queen of Auctions,’ Creator of the best-selling eBay Boot Camp in a Box and Boot Camp in a Box Lite.
Thanks to Gary’s suggestion, I emailed “Griff” to see what we could do to help out in Southern California and he got right back to me with this information.
“The laws that govern and restrict charitable giving prevent us (eBay) from allowing members from soliciting donations outside of the Giving Works tool on eBay. So, the best way to use eBay as a platform for charitable giving in this instance would be to locate an existing charity on Giving Works that is local to the san Diego or Malibu area – one that has already indicated that they will be assisting and funding recovery efforts in those areas affected by the fires.”
Griff also told me that during the Katrina disaster he donated listing proceeds to the United Way of New Orleans.
He went on to say that, “We (eBay) could not provide information on individual sellers or buyers (for both privacy reasons and also, we have no way of knowing which eBay members might have been impacted by the devastation) but one way to maybe reach individuals would be through the Discussion Forums on eBay.”
Great information as always from “Griff.” Be sure to check out his weekly radio show here.
So, to get this started I am listing a full Boot Camp in a Box–LAX audio and Bellingham video with all the extra goodies at a 99 cent starting price with 100% of the proceeds going to the San Diego Habitat for Humanity.
Click here to bid now.
Here is more information on San Diego’s Habitat for Humanity.
San Diego, CA- October 22, 2007– San Diego Habitat for Humanity (SDHFH) launches fund for rebuilding efforts resulting from the Firestorm currently devastating the county. Donations are currently being accepted for Firestorm Disaster Rebuild Fund at the SDHFH office located at 10222 San Diego Mission Road, San Diego 92108 or by calling 619-283-HOME or by clicking Donate Now button at the bottom of the page and designating “Firestorm Disaster Rebuild Fund.” SDHFH rebuilt 23 homes for the victims of the 2003 Wildfires and donated building materials to hundreds of families who lost their homes in the fires from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore. SDHFH is here to help in rebuilding efforts once again.”
And, if any of you hear on the discussion boards of eBay members who may have been impacted by the fires, please let me know so we can help them out also! Thank you!!!

Check out this email that I just got from a Boot Camp in a Box owner:
Hi, Lynn!
I am so excited I just had to share this with you. I bought an antique picture frame at my local thrift store for $1.00 and I just sold it on ebay for $45.01! I had to keep staring at the sold item email as I just couldn’t believe it.
I’m so happy I bought your Boot Camp in a Box.
-Phyllis H.
Emails like that give me goosebumps and help me to see just how powerful the Dralle Method is for those who put it into practice!
The La Quinta Boot Camp footage is almost finished. My assistant Carmen’s husband Jason filmed it. He is a pro and did the Shipping DVD that is also so much fun and so informative.
This new Boot Camp footage is totally up-to-date; showing the new sell your item form and changes that I have made to my system. I am really excited to announce the “on sale” special promotion details in next week’s ezine. Watch for it!
‘Identifying American Pottery – Look at the Bottom!‘
by Linda Richard, eBay ID cajunc, guest columnist for The Queen of Auctions
Have you ever wondered why some people turn every piece of pottery over and look at the bottom? Maybe you thought they were emptying the contents or dusting the shop! Well, some of the pottery lovers like myself have spent many years identifying American pottery, and one of the best ways to do this is by looking at the bottom of the piece. In most of the American pottery pieces, the bottom tells more than the glaze. The bottom shows the name, if there is one, the color of the clay, the way the piece is fired, and other characteristics that help with the identification.
If you pick up a piece of pottery and it has identifying marks such as a name or logo, you can easily determine the maker. This is wonderful, but not always available. See figure 1. Since not all pottery is marked, the identification must be done with a little more resourcefulness.
figure 1
The best identifier I have found for determining if an unmarked piece of pottery is AMERICAN made is the heft of the piece. Most American pottery pieces have some weight to them–unlike the Japan imports of the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s that seem fairly light in comparison. This is a good place to start to identify the country of origin, if it is not shown. So, just in the process of picking up the piece, the weight is registering in my mind. This is something that has to be developed over time. It is not that any piece over a certain weight is American pottery—it is the relationship between the size and the weight that helps determine the country of origin. The American pieces feel like they have “heavy bottoms” and often the walls are thicker than Japan and other foreign potteries.
The clay color is the first thing I see on the bottom of any piece of pottery, and certain colors can identify the maker. It is essential to look for an unglazed area to determine the clay color.
For example, you probably know that Frankoma was made with a red clay for many years. See figure 2.
figure 2
Frankoma was also made with Ada and a pink clay. Ada clay was a yellow beige and was EARLIER than the red clay pieces. See figure 3.
figure 3
Blue Mountain pottery of Canada is usually made of red clay, is often unmarked and looks and feels much like American pottery. Early Peters and Reed pottery was red clay, too, as were many of the Arts and Crafts pots like Grueby. Some Italian and Mexican pottery is made with red clay, and much of the southwest or Native American pottery uses shades of red. Harris G. Strong used red clay sometimes, too, and Nicodemus is a red clay pottery. Jugtown is often red clay, and there are some North Carolina potters who used red clay. See figure 4.
figure 4
Of course there are lots more, but if you have a piece of pottery with a red clay base, this is a start. There are many different shades of “red” clay, but red and deep pink clays have been readily available to the potter for centuries, and this color often gives the glaze a different look than it would have with another color clay.
Yellow clay was primarily from Ohio, so most of the Ohio potteries used yellow clay. Roseville, McCoy and Brush are examples of the yellow clay potters. See figure 5.
figure 5
Robinson-Ransbottom was mostly yellow clay. Watt Pottery is in a class I call yellowware, since they used a clear glaze over the yellow clay instead of colors. Robinson-Ransbottom, Blue Ridge, Purinton, and Watt all did some yellowware with a clear glaze over the yellow clay.
See figure 6.
figure 6
Weller sometimes used yellow to cream colored clay, but just when you think you have learned how to identify these by clay color, another one shows up. Look at this Weller piece in red clay! See figure 7.
figure 7
Hull and Shawnee are a cream color with a pink tint to the clay. So are American Bisque and Royal Copley. Don’t confuse this with pink clay–used by Coventry and Kay Finch and a few other California potters, including some Hagen-Renaker. See figure 8.
figure 8
Camark and some Arkansas potteries as well as Texas potters used a white to ecru clay, primarily. See figure 9.
figure 9
Niloak is often white clay, and much of the Niloak was heavier with a wider foot or base than many other American potteries of that era. See figure 10.
figure 10
Alamo and Gilmer are Texas potteries using white clay. Figure 11.
figure 11
Stangl Pottery is often made of a white clay, too. Some Hawaii pieces are also white clay. Figure 12.
figure 12
Beige clay was used by Rosemeade and some eras of Dryden, primarily Kansas Dryden. Figure 13.
figure 13
Monmouth or Western Stoneware used a sandy clay, often seen with a maple leaf and USA incised into the clay. See figure 14.
figure 14
Some of the southwest Native American pottery is beige clay, too. This pitcher is marked Acoma on the side.
Figure 15.
figure 15
Mosaic tile made pieces that were not tiles, and they often have beige clay. See figure 16.
figure 16
Heath used sandy clay for much of their dinnerware lines. Dryden and Rosemeade may be sandy clay, too. See figure 17.
figure 17
Any pottery that has been soaked in water may be beige, too, so beware of dirty bottoms!
Thanks Linda, for this introduction to American pottery identification and the different clays used for American pottery. We will be hearing from Linda again next week with more identifiers for American pottery.
Happy eBaying!
I am happy to present our 35th story for The 100 Best Things You’ve Bought or Sold on eBay! Look below for a story of antique underwear. Click below to read…
Click here to read the story…
A big thanks to everyone who has already submitted a story! We are looking for more great stories of your eBay adventures. We know there are many great tales out there, so please submit your story along the lines of the stories from the 100 Best Books and a great side story with photos will help. If we use your story, you will receive a $35 merchandise credit on my web site and you will have your story featured–along with your user ID–in my ezine! It may also eventually end up in a published book!
By the way, when I mention my ezine readers’ user IDs with links to their auctions–it actually helps their sales! Amazing how that works. Click here for the guidelines for submitting your stories.
eBay PowerSeller and third generation antiques dealer, Lynn Dralle, is the creator of Boot Camp in a Box, the home-study course where you can learn to implement the Dralle Method to maximize your eBay profits.
If you liked today’s issue, you’ll love this step-by-step course that is guaranteed to be the most complete and enjoyable guide to selling on eBay that MAKES YOU MONEY.
Read all about it here.
The Queen of Auctions also offers articles, teleseminars, how-to books, tracking guides, DVDs, eBay Boot Camp training and other resources to help entrepreneurs make their eBay business a six-figure sales machine. Click here to learn more.
The Queen of Auctions/All Aboard Inc.
PO Box 14103
Palm Desert, CA 92255
Happy eBaying!!
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Visit my eBay auctions.
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Lynn is an experienced eBay Power Seller, author and teacher. If you want to know the eBay tips, tricks and tools that Lynn uses for buying and selling at online auction click here.
Copyright © 1998 – 2007 Lynn Dralle – All Rights Reserved